CityGym Teen Nutrition Guide
CityGym Teen Nutrition Guide
The Fundamental Structure of Nutrition For Powerlifting Athletes 13-17 Years Old
Remove the confusion from food and learn what to put on your plate to help your grow stronger in the gym.
In this book we cover:
What foods to eat and what portions to consume them in
How nutrition should look on training and non training days
Flexibility around food
Hydration & caffeine
Advanced recovery strategies for teens
Lastly, a structured way to put all of this together
On top of this we have included some bonuses:
A downloadable shopping list that you can put together for your own shops
A downloadable template so you can map out your own training and non training days
We also put in a parents page, where your parents can read over commonly asked questions and worries that parents have had before about the sport of powerlifting and everything within the nutrition scope too
All of this is within the book as you read, so all you have to do is purchase the book and you will see different links to spreadsheets and webpages as you go.