Drastically Change Your Time In Isolation From Fear To Success
By seizing a real opportunity for change…without leaving the house
This is a devastating time for so many.
A scary time, when we are all experiencing the impact of isolation.
Our only weapons right now are practising good hygiene, social distancing/isolating and washing our hands but outside of these measures, what else can we do?
We can control the controllables in our own lives!
Other than the measures above, we have very little that we can control right now.
But one thing we can do, we can focus in on ourselves and use this as a time for growth.
Can you imagine leaving this isolation period and thinking back in years to come about how this was a pivotal point in your life, when you chose to change bad habits for the better.
When you chose success instead of fear. That would be incredible!
When we chose to temporarily close our facility before the government enforced lock down, our members were faced with a real problem.
Can they continue their personal training from home? Would they lose the results that they worked so hard for in the gym? Could they possible even gain in this time?
We set off on a mission…
To see if we could we deliver the same value and results that we did in person to those training from home?
If we could, what would this look like and how would people respond?
Digging Deep Into Problems
We started by thinking of the potential roadblocks that people have right now.
Less overall movement in their day as the isolation period has locked us into 2km radius from our houses
Most people aren’t working so movement from work is gone
Gyms are closed
Even attempting training at home, people have less equipment to work with, they are confused by the one million at-home workout plans that have surfaced in the last few weeks as well
Both boredom and working from home have led a lot more people to mindless snacking and poor meal choices
You might find yourself nodding along above.
These issues are troublesome for everyone right now. We can see people are struggling.
On top of this we have to come to grips with the fact that this lock down period might continue on longer than what’s announced at each press conference.
In order to make progress we have to change how we think about fitness and food for now…
A Quarantine Story
Necessity is the mother of all invention.
When we saw our clients struggling at home after being so successful in the gym, we knew we had to do something to help!
we thought to ourselves, “What would an at home PT service look like”. How could we put an end to the frustrations people were facing while they were at home?
We made up a temporary system and tested it with those we had been working with.
At first, things were shaky. Real shaky!
So we set about ironing out a few flaws and after a few tweaks we found a perfect way to coach those at home!
Things started clicking and our members were back on track. They reported feeling mentally stronger, they felt more energetic throughout the day from moving at the pace their coach had set and their food was finally back in check!
An Easy Solution
Well, easy might be an over exaggeration. But straightforward could be a better way to put it.
In this scenario if we were to advise anyone on what to do to start seeing results we would say:
Track daily movement for a week - Everything from house and garden work to planned walks, runs or bodyweight training sessions
Gradually increase each of these daily movements over the coming weeks. Slow and steady wins the race here
Track daily food and liquid intake - All foods and liquids, including coffees and teas with extra milk and sugar etc. Jot them down and keep record
Very slowly implement a few good habits with your food to make sure you have:
Control and measured intake every day - Apps like MyFitnessPal can really help
Increase or decrease calories based on your desired outcome
Make sure the basics are being met, good hydration, solid micro nutrient intakes
If you’d rather not go through this alone use our coaching system below. It’s provided amazing results and allows you to fast track to quicker results with guidance from an expert!
What Results Can You Expect?
It’s early days so we can only report on what we have seen since we closed on March 12th.
In the first 2 weeks people reported more overall energy and the scales started levelling out and moving in the right direction again. For us, this is the most important step.
Within the first 14 days every single member has told us that they feel better, that’s where everything starts, in feeling.
If you can feel better, we can build on this. If the scale is back under control, we have another win. Stacking these smaller wins leads to bigger wins!
A huge part of this is down to our system
The CityGym Online Personal Training System
Once A Week Assessment
Our weekly assessment forms give us the opportunity to see into your week.
This, in conjunction with our weekly video call allow us to plan a perfectly for you in your specific situation
Weekly Video Calls
Staying on track means connecting. Our coaching system allows members and coaches to catch up once a week via video call (or standard call if preferred) to run through the week just gone and plan for the week coming.
New Weekly Coaching Plans
Each week your coach will send out fresh plans along with instructions on how to best implement these. These aren’t OTT complicated plans, these will be broken down in an easy to use way
Daily Support (When Needed)
When you need us we’re there! This is a new introduction since the isolation period started and it has massively helped people to succeed in winning the small daily battles. These are optional, we are there just when you need us
It’s fair to say that this is comprehensive in every way, we feel like we cover all bases for you. But how can we sweeten the deal even more?
All of our online personal training members are entitled to the same perks as our in gym personal training members:
After signing up you will get our flagship recipe book with over 150 recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and desserts. This is normally 40 euros in our online store but free for you
Each month you will receive an additional 15 recipes via email to top you up. These are normally charged at 10 euros per month subscription, but again, free for you