Welcome To The Club!



  • The QUICKEST way to get answers to any general question (including technique advice, programming questions, nutrition questions, pain or injury concerns) is in our discord. Join here - CITYGYM DISCORD.

  • For any private question, please contact your coach directly.

  • For changes in membership, to upgrade your plan or to cancel, you must email info@citygymlk.com. There is no other way to do this.

Block to Block Coaching

  • This is our low contact option. For all questions on training, technique or injury please use the relevant area in our Discord. CLICK HERE to join the discord.

  • A program will be assigned as soon as possible. Please click and fill out this form and email us to confirm that you have submitted the form. CLICK HERE. If you do not confirm through email, your program will be late.

  • Please let your coach know 7 days before you finish your last week so they can review your block over the week. Any later than this and you may not have a new program ready for a number of days.

  • We encourage you to start an Instagram training log. Follow and message your coach so they can keep up to date with your training. Please trim all clips so your coach can see the lift. Lastly, be active in the Discord to get the most out of your programming.

Weekly Coaching

  • This is our high contact option. This means you will receive a once a week check in from your coach and an update each week to your program. The best way to get the most out of this is to be vocal with your coach at check in.

  • We recommend keeping a notes tab in your phone of all questions that come to mind throughout the week and distilling this down to what you really need to ask on check in day.

  • For questions outside of your check-in day we recommend using our Discord. CLICK HERE to join the discord.

  • Please click and fill out this form and email us to confirm that you have submitted the form. CLICK HERE. If you do not confirm through email, your program will be late.

  • We encourage you to start an Instagram training log. Follow and message your coach so they can keep up to date with your training. Please trim all clips so your coach can see the lift.

Visiting CityGym

  • Your membership includes as many visits to the gym as you’d like. You do not need to buy day passes.


Being a CityGym member means that you are a part of a bigger organisation that includes Raskol Apparel, Elemental Formulations, Titan Support Systems and the European Powerlifting Conference. As such we give our members deals on all of these:

  • Raskol Apparel - 10% off all purchases with the discount code CITYGYM and free collection from the gym. SHOP HERE.

  • Elemental Formulations EU - 5% off all purchases with the discount code CITYGYM and free collection from the gym. SHOP HERE.

  • Titan Support Systems Ireland - You can shop Titan gear before anyone else in Ireland. Simply ask anyone at the front desk for what’s available at the time.

  • The European Powerlifting Conference - All CityGym members will get early access and a discount on tickets. Sign up for our waiting list HERE.

We are here to help you reach your goals. Please let us know if you ever need assistance in any way, shape or form!

Thank you,

Gar Benn