Gar Benn

I am a small bit biased towards these amazing coaches but CityGym Coaching has changed my own training for the better ten fold.

When I opened CityGym in 2014 I knew I would have to put my own training in the background for quite a while. I trained hard whenever I could but the business always came first (Like it should) In March 2017 I had a son, Matthew. I knew at this stage that I had to outsource my training. Having a new born son, CityGym, working with the awesome Sigma Nutrition and organising the European Powerlifting Conference was too much to even consider training. 

Being this busy, I asked the guys who coach here what could they do for me, not expecting much because of my little availability. They looked at my schedule, took my hectic days into consideration and made a plan that suited me down to the ground. 

One thing that made a big difference, even though the guys are in CityGym almost every day, we don't always see each other because of the hours we work so all coaching is done online including critiquing form when I send videos. The advice here has been invaluable and made me a much more proficient lifter which in turn has resulted in bigger numbers and pain free.

In the short time between my last two comps the guys really focused in on the finer details of my training and my total increased by 57.5kg. They've also handled me at these comps and stopped me from overthinking and helped me secure 9/9 in all recent comps.

If you are a busy person and need something that's personalised to suit your day to day training I can't recommend CityGym Coaching enough.